Thursday, April 8, 2010

ग्राम्मर पोस्ट

I joined and today. I pretty much have no brain left from looking at a million writing and other online job opportunities, most of which are scams, which is why I can't squeeze much out of this wilted brain.
I want to create something for which there's a market. There are a lot of websites which have ATROCIOUS grammar. If I didn't know that before, I know it now after sifting through a zillion sites, most of questionable legitimacy. How can a writing site advertise anything when they can't even write their own introductory articles?? And what's with the ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME anyway????? I mean, we get it, you can earn tons of money off this scheme, you don't have to SCREAM IT AT US. Or maybe you do, since it's the only way you think you'll be able to hook someone into buying into your scam. I won't ever take a site seriously that feels like it has to have ALL CAPS every other paragraph. Seriously.
Anyway. Speaking of following your own writing rules, going back to the beginning of the previous paragraph, perhaps I'll create a website marketing my proofreading skills specifically for websites. I mean, there'd be no lack of work if everybody with a website who was spelling/grammar-challenged would allow me to pick through what they wrote. I'd even take the 'get-rich-quick-online' scammers as clients if they'd let me tone down a few of their all-CAP articles.
There. Rant over. Hm. Maybe I have more mental energy than I thought. That often happens once I focus on a subject that gets me passionate. Like grammar.

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